A celebration dinner was held in St. Therese's Parish Centre on Thursday 3rd October to celebrate the tremendous improvements which have taken place in St. Patrick's College in the past school year. Their GCSE results showed outstanding improvement; 86% achieving five A* - C and 64% achieving five A* - C including English and Maths.
Mrs. Ann Mallon, principal began by saying "The GCSE results of 2013 are an indication of the standards now being achieved in St. Patrick's College. All subjects have improved. An improvement of 160%
All teachers are totally committed to giving of their best for each and every pupil. We have benifited from improved facilities within the school; and upgraded ICT facilities in each and every classroom. We are privileged to teach the very best children of the Banbridge and surrounding area and it is our aim to ensure that each pupil achieves their personal best and is equipped to make the best career decision."
Attending the celebration dinner were the primary school principals of the catchment area. In his address, Bishop McAreavey thanked the principals for their work with the young people at primary level. He expressed his pleasure at the major improvement in all areas of life in St. Patrick's College and reinforced his commitment to the provision of top quality education with a Catholic ethos for the children in the Banbridge area.
Mr. Terry Murphy CCMS, who has the responsibility for raising standards in the Maintained sector, spoke of his involvement with St. Patrick's and stressed the sea change that has taken place very quickly within the school. He paid tribute to the support given by the SELB and by Mrs. Jennifer McGowan in particular, who has supported the improvements in teaching and learning at every level.
Mrs. Rosin Woods, Vice Principal, concluded the event. She drew attention to the SELB Post Primary review for the Banbridge area which states that, by 2025, 493 further places will be required in our local schools. "We are building towards the future, setting and achieving consistently high standards so that we are in a position to meet the needs fully for the Catholicd sector. We depend upon and deeply appreciate the support of our Feeder Primary School principals and we ask for their continued positive support in the years ahead".

Gerry McBrien, Dromore with John Monaghan, Catherine McCooe and Mary Quinn

Mrs. Helen Tranmer and Mrs Teresa Devlin from Bridge Primary

Mary Quinn with Terry Murphy CCMS

Mr. Kevin McKernan ICT, Geraldine McClory, Miss Pauline Coleman, Maths and Mrs. Anne Marie McEwan PTA

Fr. Gerry Powell, Chaplain with two of St. Patrick's students.

Mrs. Jennifer Magowan SELB and Mrs.Sharon Mulligan, English

Brendan Curran, councillor, Michael Quinn, Board of Governors and Canon Frank Kearney

Patricia Burns, Banbridge Parish, Mrs. Anne Marie McEwan PTA and Canon Stevenson

Geraldine McClory with Ann Mallon

Brendan Curran, Councillor with Ann Mallon

Terry Murphy CCMS with Mrs. Ann Mallon

Terry Murphy with Anne Mallon and Canon Liam Stevenson

John Monaghan, Principal of St. C olman's Bann PS with Mrs. Roisin Woods, Vice Principal of St. Patrick's College
It was great to be a part of this event and thanks to St. Patrick's College for inviting tullylish.com to come along. The enthusiasm shown by Mrs Mallon, Mrs. Woods and all the staff was marvellous and it was evident that they are proud of each and every one of their students and determined to go from strength to strength. Mrs. Mallon also paid special tribute to Canon Stevenson, for his unfailing support.
In the background, a power point presentation was running, illustrating the success story of the GCSE class of 2013. Included below are the slides of students from our own area.

