Sr. Bernadette visits St. Patrick's |
On Monday 19th May 2014, Mrs. Anne Mallon, principal of St. Patrick's College, Banbridge invited Sr. Bernadette Duffy and Fr. Sean McCartan to meet some of the pupils. Sr. Bernadette and Fr. Sean attended St. Patrick's College and shared their happy memories with the students. Sr. Bernadette spoke about her work in South Africa and how she vividly remembes the moment she shared with her classmate, Fr. Sean, her desire to become a nun. He in turn said he was thinking of the priesthood.
The college then presented Sr. Bernadette with a cheque for £1,000 for her Education4Life fund and a cheque for Trócaire for £1,000

Canon Stevenson and some of the teachers who taught Fr. Sean and Sr. Bernadette joined them for a cuppa in the staff room.