Saint Patrick’s College are absolutely delighted with the outstanding GCSE results achieved by their pupils this year. The hard work and commitment of pupils, teachers and support staff have ensured that the results this year are the best they have ever been!
98% of our pupils have achieved 5+ A*-C grades which is a tremendous achievement and is comparable with the top performing grammar and non-grammar schools in Northern Ireland and in fact is well above the Northern Ireland average for schools of our type. Over the last number of years we have focused on the development of the ‘personalised learning journey’ for each and every pupil and there has been a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy in every subject.
Our outstanding achievement for 5+GCSEs A*-C including English and Maths which is the key statistic, is 74% which is evidence that our strategies are working effectively.
We are proud to be a school that is committed to improving the quality of the teaching and learning so that the outcomes for each and every child are the best that they can be.
It is also important to pay tribute to our parents for their invaluable support, and to the schools and colleges in our area learning community who have contributed to our outstanding results and we look forward to our continued partnership as we work to deliver a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for all our pupils.
We are celebrating today! These are exciting times for Saint Patricks College as we continue to grow from strength to strength!
