Cookery Demo at St. Patrick's |
On Friday 4th March St Patrick’s College Home Economics Department was host to a live cookery demonstration from The Livestock Meat Commission (LMC).
LMC demonstrator Margaret Anderson spoke with a number of Year 10 pupils about the versatility and convenience of using beef and lamb as well as highlighting their importance within a balanced diet. Mrs Anderson discussed with the pupils the importance of supporting local produce and how we can do this by buying Quality Assured meat products. The pupils were interested to learn about the traceability from farm to fork of beef and lamb products through this NI Quality Assurance Scheme.
The demonstration was excellent and following the event the pupils thoroughly enjoyed sampling the wonderful dishes which included Yummy Lamb Curry and Mozzarella Meatballs with Tomato and Bacon. It was a very enjoyable afternoon, learning a lot about quality Northern Irish meat and receiving lots of delicious beef and lamb recipes
to try out in class!
