Congratulations St. Patrick's College |

Huge congratulations to St. Patrick's College, Banbridge who are are once again the top performing non-selective Post Primary School in the local and wider Banbridge area.
"In fact we have achieved 2nd place out of all non-selective post primary Schools in Northern Ireland with our statistics for 5 + GCSE grades hitting a staggering 98%. This is the 4th year in a row that Saint Patrick's College have been achieving these outstanding results.
So what is our secret?
We have a dedicated and enthusiastic staff who ensure that the needs of each and every student within our care is paramount. We constantly monitor and evaluate our teaching and learning as well as our pastoral system to ensure the quality of the learning environment is a good as it can be. The relationship between parent, pupil and school is excellent and the channel of communication is an open and easy one. Parents are always very supportive of positive interventions we implement to address concerns our pupils have. We are a small and unique school, embracing each child as they enter year 8 and nurturing and supporting them carefully as they progress through each year group. We know by our results that our strategy is working; happy children thrive and learn."