Stage Aid present
'The Departure Lounge'
a Two Act Play by Armand Gaillard.
In Gilford Community Club Hall
Fri 31st May & Sun 2nd June 2013 at 8pm.
Entrance £5
All Profits in aid of Third World Charity

The Departure Lounge’ is set in a Nursing Home in a town somewhere in Northern Ireland. When two residents, James Allen and Henry Flannigan meet by chance, they discover that although very different characters and from different walks in life, they share the surnames of two famous Music Hall artists -‘Flannigan & Allen’ and decide to monopolise on their own new found musical talents.
Within the Nursing Home, not everyone shares Flannigan & Allen’s new-found enthusiasm and musical aspirations, preferring their regular on-going keep-fit and bingo activities.
This play is an entertaining snap-shot of life in a Nursing Home, at times poignant but more often funny and uplifting.
“An entertaining reality comedy which light-heartedly captures life in a Nursing Home and reminds us that laughter is often the best medicine, so book that seat by the window now, fasten your seatbelt and prepare for take-off!”