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Thank you Stage Aid


Recently Stage Aid donated £1000 to Sr. Bernadette Duffy for her work in South Africa. Sr. Bernadette said she would like the mney spent on educational needs for one of the Holy Cross schools. Below is a letter from the principal of that school. 

Dear Sr Bernadette
I was so happy to speak to you yesterday and to hear you are all well as I know this is a difficult time and I
am very close in prayer for all of you.
I was very excited when you told me that your parish would send a donation to Holy Cross Primary School I
feel this an answer to prayer just now as we are struggling to establish a playing field for our children as
we have lost our playing field over this last month
Holy Cross Fatima House (a home for our frail and elderly sisters) is in the process of closing and we are very
sad about that but it has to be.  Holy Cross Primary School has the playing field next to Fatima House and
since the property belongs to Fatima House we have to give it up and we are busy developing a field for
our children to play. I really need funds to get this field levelled and properly cleared so that we can
develop our sport in our school.
Our children do not have access to playing fields at their homes. They play on the streets and they live in a
very high Aids area where many young people die every week so we are trying to give our children an
interest in sport so that they can develop, other interests.
Thanking you in anticipation
Sr Bridget




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