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Stage Aid Presentation to MSF

On Wednesday 22nd April 2015, the members of Stage Aid presented Sf (Ireland) with a cheque for £3,000 - the proceeds of their latest production of The Departure Lounge.

MSF - Medicins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) is an international organisation that provides medical health internationally to anyone in need. They have a small putfir in Ireland with just 6 full time staff and 15 members 'in the field' . Their three core values are IMPARTIALITY (free medical care to anyine, reagrdless of race or creed), NEUTRALITY (they work in conflict regions and are trusted by everyone because of thier neutrality), INDEPENDENCE - because they accept very little funding from governments, they can go to any region at a moment's notice.  

They are currently preparing to launch a Search and Rescue operation in the Mediterranean Sea.


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Stage Aid 2

 L-R Lia Paul (MSF) Siobhan Cramer (Stage Aid) Alice Sachora (MSF)
Lia and Alice spoke passionately about the work of MSF and expressed their deep gratitude to Stage Aid for their magnificent donation of £3,000.

You can log on to http://www.msf.ie/ for more information on this wonderful organisation.

Stage Aid 3

Lia and Alice with Armand Gaillard, founder of Stage Aid




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