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Stage Aid Christmas Special

Stage Aid’s Christmas Appeal

 In aid of SVP, Salvation Army & The Welcome Centre for Homeless People
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Stage Aid Drama Society are performing the last production of ‘The Departure Lounge’ in order to raise vital funds for SVP, Salvation Army and The Welcome Centre for homeless people. As Stage Aid Drama Society celebrates its 30th year of performing and donating all profits to Third World charities it wishes to continue its long running Christmas commitment to these local charities.

Armand Gaillard, Stage Aid founder, writer and director is making a special appeal to the community to support the last performance of this hilarious comedy set in an old peoples’ home. Armand may be passionate about his writing & producing the best possible performances with the minimum of expense, but he is equally passionate, if not more, about supporting those in need, “Stage Aid marked its 30 year anniversary in 2015 and the Ebola Crisis & the Syrian Refugee Crisis marked 2015!” states Armand, “We donated all our profits this year to these appeals and really hope people can come out and support us for this Christmas Special to enable us to continue our traditional Christmas donations.”

The ‘Departure Lounge’ has received rave reviews and won the Audience Award in Lislea Festival in February 2014. So not only will you be making a significant and much needed donation to our Christmas Appeal, you are also guaranteed a wonderful evening’s entertainment with plenty of laughter and craic!

Stage Aid’s performance of The Departure Lounge is on Sunday 29th November 2015 at 7.30pm in Gilford Community Hall, Castle Hill, Gilford. Tickets are priced at £7.00, including a light supper and are available from Mckeag’s Express Cleaners, Lurgan and Nisa Local, Gilford or alternatively you can pay at the door.

When we focus on ourselves, our world narrows, and our problems mount in our minds. When we focus on others, our own problems drift to the margins, and we increase our capacity for connection and compassionate action. Tim Elmore


Picture below is Armand Gaillard Stage Aid founder, writer and director with representatives from MSF (Medicin San Frontier - Doctors without Borders) whom we made a large donation to this year.

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