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Letters from Africa

Dear friends of TLC

This letter comes to you with deep gratitude and awe at your ongoing support and interest towards my work in South Africa especially among the children at the informal settlement.  This time the children have also expressed their gratitude for all your kindness. I have attached their drawings and short letters.   I will send some photos of Fr Sean, Darius and myself with the children when I return home as I am in Cape Town this week working in our Holy Cross Schools.  The children also sent thank you letters to Jenna for raising funds by raffling the teddy bear.

By all accounts and visuals the sale of work proved to be a tremendous effort.  It will be our intention to buy the children clothes, shoes and educational material for school in the New Year.

From the bottom of my heart I say once again a big ‘THANK YOU’ and be assured that each and every one of you and your families are remembered in my prayers.

Yours sincerely


Sr. Bernadette

These are drawings sent to the T.L.C. group by some of the children
from Plastic View Settlement


Tender Loving Care

Thank you for your love and clothes for Christmas.
Happy Christmas and New Yearing
Thank you
Love Rutendo

Tender Loving Care Group
Blessed is the hand that gives than the hand that receives.

Thank you for the nice Christmas clothes.
May God provide you with more money
Thank you very much
From: Kuda


For Tender Loving Care
Thank you for helping me.
I didn't have clothes for Christmas but I have them now.

You are good people and I love you and will pray.
From: Vasi


I thank all the ladies that helped me with the new clothes.
I will always thank you.
I will be happy this Christmas.

Thank you good ladies.
From Bongan


Tender Loving Care Ladies Group
Thank you for thinking of me, thank you for loving me as I am.

Thank you for buying Christmas clothes for me.
Can you also buy me food and a school uniform.

Thank you.
From: Thonda

Tender Loving Care Group
Thank you very much for the clothes you buy for me for Christmas.
I love you more and thank you.
I will pray.

From: Phwmelelo

Tender Loving Care Women
Thank you for choosing me from Plastic View.
The Christmas clothes are beautiful.
I love clothes but do not have a mother to buy them for me.
Thank you. Thank you.
From: Ratidzo


Tender Loving Care Ladies Group
I am happy to receive the nice clothes from you.
This Christmas will be special.
Thank you.
From: Kudzi


This is one of our little ones receiving soup at the centre.
Each day all the children receive a hot meal  which if often the only meal they get in a day.



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