December 1906
A.O.H. Division 205. Laurencetown.
The usual quarterly meeting of the above was held on Sunday, in the League Hall, Laurencetown. The president, Bro. Boyle, occupied the chair. The president gave an account of the County Board meeting held in Mayobridge on Sunday, Dec. 10th, and congratulated the brothers on their good attendance. He referred to the Gaelic movement in the parish, and asked all the members of the division to support it, as by doing so they will be complying with the rules of the order. Members, both individually and collectively, should do their utmost to prevent emigration by every means in their power, support practically, as well as theoretically, the Irish industrial and language movements, and encourage heartily the revival of Irish games and pastimes. A handsome subscription was realised towards the new Catholic Hall, Gilford. The president returned thanks to the brothers of the division for their generous subscriptions, and closed the meeting.