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Gaelic League in Laurencetown and Gilford 1906

Irish News

17th November 1906


League Branches Established

On Sunday last Seosamh O hEigeartaigh, Gaelic League organiser, attended at Laurencetown to establish a branch of the Gaelic League. He was, introduced to the meeting by the Rev. P.P. Campbell, the worthy pastor of Tullylish. In the course of his address, Father Campbell said they were there that day to revive in Laurencetown their class for the study of the language of old Ireland. The language of their ancestors, of saints and scholars, the language they should know, and with the help of Providence would know. He referred also to the study of Irish songs and music, which he said went hand in hand with learning of the language, and he was proud to say that some of those present has already obtained a very high degree of proficiency in the matter of Irish songs. He urged upon those present the necessity of working sincerely and earnestly, and attending the class regularly, during the incoming session; and if they did he could assure them that their efforts to become Irish speakers would be crowned with success. Father Campbell’s eloquent address was listened to with rapt attention by the large and representative gathering present. He then called upon the Timthiere, who, he said would explain the working of the object for which they had assembled.

Seosamh O hEigeartaigh, on coming forward, received an enthusiastic ovation. In the course of an able address he explained what the Gaelic League was, its objects, its achievements, its aims, and its hopes. He pointed out that as Irishmen and Irishwomen it was their duty to take up study until they had attained the end they had in view. They had assembled there to join the great revival movement, to do their share in the work of Irishising Ireland, and he assured them that with the revival of their own tongue would come back their glorious past; industries would spring up again, and the awful tide of emigration would be stemmed, and, in a word, their country would once again be prosperous and happy. He emphasised the necessity for work, and steadfast perseverance in that work, and that, unless they made up their minds to do so, it would be as well not to begin.

It was decided that a branch be formed, and that the first meeting be held on Wednesday night, in the schools kindly given by Father Campbell for the purpose. The meeting terminated with the usual votes of thanks.

                                             SUCCESS AT GILFORD


Another large and influential meeting was held in Gilford on the same evening to establish a branch of the Gaelic League there. Rev. Father McClorey, C.C., presided. In the course of a warm-hearted address he introduce Seosamh o hEgeartaigh, and explained the objects of the meeting. He was ready and willing to do his part in the movement, and, as far as he was aware, each and everyone there present was willing to do the same. After referring to the beauty of and sweetness of the Irish language, he dwelt on the importance of having a National tongue., and said that it was the most important characteristic of a distinct nation. Considering the strides that the Gaelic League has made in the country, it was their bounden duty to take their place in the van of the Irish Ireland movement. He then called upon the organiser to address the meeting.

The Timthire was enthusiastically received, and having first spoke in Irish, addressed them at length in English. He argued that the decline of the prosperity of Ireland coincided with the decline and disuse of the Irish language, and that the present industrial revival was the outcome of the upheaval caused by the language movement.

He called upon all those present to do their duty to the Irish language, for by so doing

they would do their part to make the success of the movement doubly sure.

They should know the history of their country as well as the language. It was

contended that it was for the Englishman to know Irish history and for the

Irishman to forget, but his opinion was that whether the Englishman knew it or not. It

was very little short of criminal in the Irishman to be ignorant of it.

A Coisde Ceanntair would soon be formed in the district, and a teacher appointed to

teach Irish for the incoming session.

The meeting unanimously decided to form a branch of the Gaelic League, and it was

arranged to have the first meeting on Thursday night in the schools generously placed

at the disposal of the class by the Rev. P.P. Campbell, P.P.




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