NEW YORK TRIBUNE February 4th 1922 Page 11
JOHN BUTLER YEATS John Butler painter and essayist, and father of William Butler Yeats, the Irish Poet, died Thursday morning at his home, 317 West 29th Street. Mr Yeats was the son of the Rev. W. B. Yeats rector of Tullylish near Belfast, Ireland. He was born in Tullylish in 1839. He was educated at Athol Academy on the Isle of Man. He was graduated from Trinity College Dublin and later admitted to the bar. Mr Yeats also studied at Heatherley’s Art College, finally giving up law for art. He was a member of the Hibernian Academy and painted portraits of many Irishmen. Mr Yeats is survived by four children, William Butler Yeats, Jack B. Yeats, Miss Lily Yeats and Miss Elizabeth Yeats. Funeral services to be held tomorrow afternoon at 2’o’clock at the Church of Holy Apostle, North Avenue and Twenty Eight Street

John B Yeats

William Butler Yeats