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Ballylough School remembered

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With the kind permission of Mr. Cyril Campbell, owner of the site of Ballylough School, Tullylish Historical Society are erecting a plaque to ensure its place in history. Generations of the Phoenix family taught in the school until its closure c1919 when it amalgamated with Donacloney N.S.

Dr. Éamon Phoenix, author, historian, broadcaster and great grandson of George Phoenix who taught in the school will unveil the plaque on Tuesday July 1st 2014. A light supper will be served in the Den, Laurencetown afterwards. 

In the Den, Éamon will chat about the Phoenix connection with Tullylish and it is hoped there will be many neighbours of the school present with lots of stories to tell - obviosuly handed down from their parents/grandparents as the school closed in1917!

Admission strictly by ticket only.

Tickets available from the Parish Office (028 406 24236 Ext 2)


Alex D Bateman, January 1928

Oh, Ballylough, dear Ballylough
How oft I dream of thee
Where many pleasant days I spent
When I was young and free.

The dear old School House is no more
Where Mr. Phoenix taught
Whose heart was always in his work
And every earnest thought.

A very pleasant man he was
A teacher loved by all
A man well trained and qualified
To teach both great and small.

My memory glides back to those days
Where we sat side by side
Together with the Harveys all
And Phoenix as our guide.

Miss Annie Phoenix, clever girl,
Intelligent and bright
Was always ready with her help
To keep us in the right.

Down from the "Boggle" hill there came
The sturdy English boys
And from beyond the "Ramparts" too
The Campbells and the Foys,

From other parts the Robinsons
And Alexanders came
Together with the Bateman boys
All ready for the game.

The Majors and the Chambers too
A very noisy lot
James Irwin and Joe Sibbitt tall
Will never be forgot.






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