W. B. Yeats - the Tullylish Connection |
All over Ireland (and especially on June 13th), there is a celebration to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of theNobel Prize winning Poet, W.B. Yeats. His grandfather, the Reverend W.B. Yeats was rector in Tullylish Church of Ireland from 1834 - 1862 and, according to available records, 8 of his children were born in Tullylish.
The poet's father, John B. Yeats was born in Drumnascamph when the family lived at the Vicarage Farm.
Our Historical Society are presently scouring through many sources of information to glean more about the family for a local celebration in October.
Along with the Church of Ireland, we are hoping to stage an exhibition with the help of local schools, musicians and Dr.Éamon Phoenix. This will take place in the Church of Ireland Hall at Tullylish.
