Reverend William Butler Yeats, grandfather of two of Ireland most famous artists - William Butler the poet and Jack Butler the painter, was Rector in Tullylish Church of Ireland from 1836 until his death in 1862.He was a man of mystery and a complex character and lived in Tullylish during a period of historic importance. To cionincide with the National celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of the death of the poet, Tullylish Historical Society emarked on a journey that took us through towns, cities and cemeteries searching for information and his final resting place, which was unknown!
The Sociey are launching a DVD on Thursday 6th June - 'From Tullylish to Drumcliffe' - telling the story of William Butler Yeats, the 'red-headed recotr from County Down'. A limited number of tickets (free) are available from Laurencetown Post Office, Tullylish Parish Office, Jim Bell, Church of Ireland and the Historical Society.
