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Christmas Wishes




The members of TYG got a great surprise when, just before they ‘took to the stage’ in Hallsmill Inn on Monday night, DANA and her husband Damien popped in to congratulate them on their latest venture. It was a sign of their commitment to the youngsters of Tullylish that they dashed from the TV recording studios in Belfast to be with them.  

Leaders John Monaghan and Lynn Laverty getting ready for the big event

TYG Leader Paula Jordan getting in tune with Gerry Brown

and John Monaghan joining in on the fiddle

 Yes, the ever-smiling Gerry

 Marguerite McAvoy welcomed everyone to the launch and then handed over to Lynn Laverty who began by thanking Gerry Brown who produced and arranged the CD. Gerry is DANA’s hugely talented brother and as well as being a multi-instrumentalist, (playing mandolin, guitar, piano and synthesizers) and accomplished studio musician, session singer and performing artist, Gerry produces and arranges all material for DANA, Heartbeat Records and several other recording artists. “Gerry had such a lovely way with the children and definitely got the best from them during our recordings”.  Gerry features on the CD, singing “Silent Night” with the children and, as Lynn said, “He even gave us an original track of his own for the CD”  

In charge of the recording was Owen Smith of OTB Studios, “a man of with an exceptional talent for recording who has the patience of a saint when you consider he was not only working with TYG but also with Gerry! Caroline, Owen’s wife, also lent an experienced hand to the recording keeping us all in line and ensuring that everyone was in place and that the recording ran as smoothly as possible”.


“I’m sure you will all agree that having DANA as a mentor to TYG is an incredible honour and we feel really blessed to have her support and encouragement.

We would also like to express our sincere thanks to DANA and Damien for taking the time to come to Hallsmill tonight to help us celebrate our launch. We all know how busy DANA must be with the release of her new album and her Autobiography “All Kinds of Everything” being launched tomorrow so we are very grateful”.




The TYG members wait anxiously for their turn to perform


And one for the papers!

The members all cheered when Caroline (back row, right) said
"Silence please, this is a recording!"

Liam and Mark, two cool men!

The Senior Girls comparing notes


The audience begins to arrive

Gerry Brown was then invited to sing a couple of his own songs before the 43 members took centre stage and sang 4 of the tracks from the album.

Gerry was then presented with a beautiful engraved Ballydougan Pottery water jug by Liam Hendron who said “On behalf of the members I would like to thank Gerry for all the hard work he put into making “Christmas Wishes” a reality. He even managed to make the leaders behave so you must realise what a fantastic producer he has been”.


Paula invited a young parishioner, Claire McGrath, who is going to World Youth Day in Sydney July 2008 to accept a donation of £200 towards her travel.



Another senior member of TYG, Helena Byrne, then presented Owen and Caroline Smith with a Ballydougan Pottery bowl. “Well what can I say about Owen and Caroline – God love their wit! They obviously didn’t know what they were taking on when they agreed to record with TYG – but they survived and as a reward for coming out the other side more or less in one piece we would like to present them with this gift as a reminder of our journey – as if they could ever forget!!”

Caroline accepted the bowl saying it was an unforgettable two days of recording in August and she praised the leaders and members of Tullylish Youth Group for their commitment and thanked them for their hospitality and friendship.





Lynsey McEvoy then presented DANA with a beautiful Ballydougan Pottery plate saying “I would like to thank Dana for her continued support for TYG. It has been a pleasure working with her and we were delighted when she gave us a track for this CD. The members would like Dana to accept this gift with our thanks”.


Fr. Powell congratulated the group saying

As president of the Tullylish Youth Group it gives me great pleasure in welcoming all of you to the Hall’s Mill Inn for the launch of our Christmas CD – Christmas wishes.

I was present at the recording of the CD during the summer in the Clare chapel. Interesting to listen to beautiful Christmas carols being sung in “August”.

Thank you for this beautiful CD of carols and indeed for all your hard work throughout the year when you give of your service to the parish and the glory of God. It’s marvellous to see this wonderful involvement by our young people in the spiritual life of the parish. As a parish we must invest in the future of our parish by encouraging our young people. Mol an oige agus tiocead se – praise youth and they will flourish.

You give us reason to celebrate and we are all tremendously proud of you all. Well done to your leaders, Dana , Gerry Brown and all concerned with the production of “Christmas Wishes”.  Thank you.


Fr. Powell was then invited to make a presentation to the two members who designed the front and back cover. (The members of TYG were invited to submit suggestions for the front and back cover and the winners (Front Cover) Hannah Burns aged 7 and (back cover) Eimear Monaghan aged 16 were presented the winners with a framed copy of their art work.




Our two winners - Eimear and Hannah


 John Monaghan thanked everyone for coming and commented on how nice it was to see the staff from both Primary Schools represented, proving that TYG had the backing of the whole community.

 DANA began by saying how proud she was of the children and how she and her husband Damien felt privileged to be considered a part of TYG. She reflected on how, three years ago, she had asked Fr. Colum Wright if he knew of a children’s choir who could record a song with her. Fr. Wright knew of TYG through the Diocesan Special Needs Masses and the contact was made. Now she and Damien felt a part of the Tullylish Community!  Dana then congratulated her brother Gerry on the album saying “I am so proud of you, Gerry!”.
Of course,
she said, she” knew the album would be first class when Owen Smith was involved. On the choice of tracks, DANA said it was lovely to see some new songs on it – songs she hadn’t heard of – and again congratulated everyone involved.


Paul and Oonagh Monaghan






Paul and Christine Moore, enjoying the buffet

Two of our senior members

Gerry and Theresa Brown with son Robert and Caroline Smith



Ann Blevins with senior member Mark

Is that a new jacket Liam?

Mary Campbell and Geraldine McCusker having a cuppa

The Gallagher Family promoting the CD


If you got past these two without buying a CD, you deserve a medal!!
Lorna and Ciara - born to sell!


The Greene Family

Surely the parish secretary isn't trying to sell
our President a CD?

Accomplices are Lorna Hendron and Paul Laverty


Lynn concluded her opening speech by thanking our President, Fr Gerry Powell for “always being there for us. He supports us in all we do and he didn’t even complain when he heard Christmas Carols drifting through the house window every Monday night since April. Thank you Fr for all your encouragement – we are lucky to have you”.

Gerry Brown was then invited to sing a couple of his own songs before the 43 members took centre stage and sang 4 of the tracks from the album.


Yes Nora, sometimes Gerry amazes us too!!!

Damien Scallon holding on tight to the gift given to his wife!!

The McKiverigans

Dessie and Anne Nicoletti



“Christmas Wishes” is dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Rhona Fegan who passed away in 2007. “As you all know we were very sad when Rhona died earlier this year – well she was always TYG’s number one supporter – those of you who were at the last CD launch will remember that Rhona paid £150 for the signed CD in the auction. Rhona never failed to congratulate us after any performance and regularly rang me after Saturday night mass just to say how much she enjoyed the singing. Rhona and her own musical talent have been an inspiration to us all and we felt it would only be fitting if TYG dedicated this latest CD “Christmas Wishes” to her. Rhona’s niece, Mrs. Jacqueline Haughey was then invited to accept the first copy of “Christmas Wishes” as a token of our appreciation for all Rhona did for us and as a gesture of how much she meant to us all.

Jacqueline Haughey with the 1st CD.

Jacqueline was presented with the CD in memory of her aunt Rhona, an inspiration and great friend to TYG who sadly died earlier in the year

Joe and Nora Jordan with Mairead Magee and Marie Campbell



Renee Byrne and Antoinettte Curran from St. Colman's Bann P.S. with Brendan and Catherine McAteer

Rhona's family -nieces Dolores and Jacqueline in front of their father Sammy and his wife May

Gerry's adoring fans!!

A bit young for membership yet, Gerard!

Gerard Agnew with the latest addition to the family

Gerry with son Robert keeping the fans happy

Gerry and Lorna

The Monaghans

I don't think you need to queue Caroline!!!

Caroline and Owen signing autographs!

 As is so typical of DANA and Damien, they stayed chatting to people and signing autographs for over an hour, even though they were on a very tight schedule.


The CD is priced at £10.00 and is available from Tullylish Youth Group, 4 Holymount Road, Laurencetown (07966 581 909), Tullylish Parish Office (406 24236), Laurencetown Post Office and other local shops. All enquires to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  



The album is different from our previous efforts in that it was recorded ‘as a choir’; live in St. Colman’s Church, Clare rather than in a recording studio. With 31 of our 43 members aged 11 and under, this is a great achievement. “Christmas Wishes” is a reflection of their enthusiasm and commitment. The younger members sing “Away in a Manger” and “Little Donkey” with great enthusiasm while the older members perform old favourites like “White Christmas” “Do you hear What I Hear?” and “Silver Bells”. Also included are some less well known songs like   “Who is He”, “That First Nowell”, “Still, still, still,” and “The Giving Song”. The older girls sing the harmonious “Carol of the Bells”. A T.Y.G. Christmas CD would not be complete without Lynn Laverty singing “O Holy Night” with her sister Paula Jordan providing the harmony




Gerry and Dana with the leaders of TYG





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