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Tullylish Youth Group


Tullylish Youth Group

Address: 4 Holymount Road, Laurencetown, Craigavon

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Contact number: 028 406 24236


Committee Mems. 7 No. of members 51


Location: The Den, Laurencetown

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Due to the heavy work commitment of the Leaders, TYG will not resume until January 2009. We realise this will be a disappointment to our members, but we assure you that we will be back, better than ever, in 2009.



Tullylish Youth Group was founded by Canon Des Knowles in 1999, to encourage young parishioners to take a more active part in the Saturday evening Masses in Laurencetown.

To date, they have staged 5 shows and produced their own CD of popular hymns and songs.

In 2004 they had the honour of singing for the closing of the National Conference of Priests in Ireland.

In 2005 they recorded a single with Dana for the close of the Year of the Eucharist.

They sing every second Saturday at the 6.30pm Mass in Laurencetown, performing action songs or liturgical dance when appropriate.

In the past, at times, they have even provided the sermon through dramatisation of the gospel.

There are 51 registered members and we are currently in rehearsals for our latest production which is ‘The Wizard of Oz’, to be staged in April 2006.


TYG aims to provide a happy and secure environment in which members can, through the creative and expressive arts, grow in confidence and spirituality, thereby enabling them to contribute to the life of Tullylish Parish and the Diocese of Dromore.



· To encourage the youth to actively participate in weekend masses in the Parish of Tullylish

· To participate in Special Needs Masses in the Diocese of Dromore

· To perform religious dramas and recitals at appropriate times in the liturgical calendar

· To accept invitations to participate in other appropriate activities

· To encourage participation in creative events within the community



TYG meet each Monday night during term time from 6.30-7.30pm. These times are subject to change as necessary. Additional practices may also be called where appropriate.


President Very Reverend Gerald Powell P.P.

Chairperson Mairead Weir

Vice Chairperson John Monaghan

Secretary Paula Jordan

Assistant Secretary Lynn Laverty

Treasurer Marguerite McAvoy

Assistant Treasurer Catherine McEvoy

Child Protection Procedures

In accordance with current legislation TYG has a working Child Protection Policy. The policy is for the protection of members and leaders. The code of practice [in the TYG Procedures document] should be followed by leaders to ensure a safe, secure and relaxed environment for all members.

TYG is committed to the principles of good practice regarding child protection, with particular emphasis on the following points:

· promoting the general welfare, health and development of members and protecting them from harm of any kind

· recognise that members have rights as individuals and treat them with dignity and respect

· members should be listened to and taken seriously

· planning the work of TYG to minimise opportunities for members to suffer harm

· maintain effective procedures in responding to accidents and complaints and to alleged or suspected incidents of abuse

The Designated Officer

Mrs. Lynn Laverty is designated as having responsibility for liaising with the Social Services and other agencies over cases of abuse.

In the event of Mrs. Laverty's absence or unavailability, these responsibilities will be undertaken by Mr. John Monaghan.


A full copy of Tullylish Youth Group Policies, Procedures and Information

can be obtained from the Tullylish Youth Group




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