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Ulster Youth Congress 2012




Forms to be completed and returned to

Anita Ryan:

Dromore Youth Ministry Office, 38-40 Hill Street, Newry, BT34 1AT

(Please remember to bring a packed lunch!)

Workshop Information:

-MAGIS: How does God speak to You? In a relaxed and creative manner we’ll consider relationship with God by inviting each person to reflect on how you communicate love to the special people in your life. How do they communicate love to you?

How is love expressed in the relationship between you and God?

This workshop will give you a flavour of Ignatian spirituality which involves being in touch with your deepest desires and sensitive to how God is present to you through everyday encounters, sights, sounds & conversations! (19+)

-SERVE -Who is the other?  How to act local on Global issues: SERVE will be facilitating a very engaging workshop on third world awareness.  One workshop will be facilitated for those aged 14-18, and another two for 19+ years.

-Peter Sands: Adoration - Peter Sands will host this exciting workshop on Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament exploring the ways in which young people can express their

faithfulness in the 21st Century!  With one workshop open to those aged 14-18, and another two open to 19+years.

-Breige O'Hare: Christ With You Always - We will recognise how powerfully Christ is present within us, acting through us in our ordinary daily lives. We'll have a greater appreciation of our celebration of Eucharist as an encounter with Christ: Christ loving us so that we might become his love for others; Christ changing us so that, with him, we might change our world. (Ages 19+)

- Martin Kennedy: Living Christian Spirituality - The best way of sharing the gift of the good news is to enjoy it in the ordinary moments of our lives

The workshop will explore six elements of practical Christian spirituality in our day-to-day lives. It proposes that the heart of christianity is expressed in the ordinary bits and pieces of life, not in separation from them.  (Ages 19+)

- Jim McDowell: Disclipleship in a Divided Society - Exploring how our identity is formed, how others perceive our identity and what it means for our identity to be found in Jesus Christ (19+)

-Minding Your Mental Health - Awareness will be raised about keeping your mental health in check and suicide awareness.  One workshop will be facilitated for those aged 14-18, and another two for 19+ years.

-ELATION MINISTRIES - How we as Catholics can incorporate music as a form of ministry.  This is open to all ages.

-Down and Connor Folk Group (DCF) - How we as Catholics can incorporate music as a form of ministry.  This is open to all ages.


-NET Minstries - From Page to StageActions speak louder than words. NET Ministries Ireland will have you acting like a pro in no time with this fun, interactive and fast-paced drama workshop. Learn loads of tips on how to let your inner actor shine while sharing your faith!  Suitable for ages 14-18

-SIOLTA Retreats - Suitable for ages 14-18

-Precious Life: The Pro Life Movement in Ireland - Members of Precious Life will facilitate this exciting workshop on how the pro life movement in Ireland is something to cause each of us concern. Suitable for those aged 16+

-Dom O'Reilly: Living the JOY filled life (Relationships) - Exploring how through your relationship with Jesus, your relationships with Others and relationship with Yourself you can really live out the Joy filled life! Suitable for those aged 16+

Please outline below your preference of workshops as our facilitators will require numbers:

1.      ________________________________

2.      ________________________________

3.      ________________________________

4.      ________________________________

5.      ________________________________

Below is a schedule for the day:



10:00 Registration

10:30 Praise & Worship

11:00 Workshop 1

12:30 Break/Lunch (Please remember to bring a packed lunch!)

14:00 Workshop 2

15:30 Break

16:00 Guest Speaker

16:30 Evening Break

17:15 Workshop 3 – Extra workshop – Mass Prep

19:00 Celebration of the Eucharist with His Eminence Sean Cardinal Brady, Bishops of the Ulster Dioceses and International Eucharistic Congress Diocesan Representatives

20:00 Finish




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