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Prayer Before an Exam

O wise God, I pray that my mind might be rested, my body energized, and my spirit inspired for the exam I must write.

Grant me peace and assurance so that I might do the best I am able, regardless of what that might be.

Be with my fellow students and may I be a good example to them, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how I feel.

May I be honest and insightful, and able to give a true record of what I have learned. In the end, may any disappointment be born with grace, and any joy accompanied with humility.

I write this exam with Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer For Peace of Mind

In this time of anxiety, O loving God, grant me peace of mind. Quiet any distress and allow me to see clearly my mission and discipleship.

I pray for my examiners as well as for myself, so that they might be wise in their questioning so that it will allow for a true accounting of my learning and understanding.

May the memory of my family and friends remind me of their support, regardless of outcome, united with them in the spirit of love.

May I be wise enough to gain enough rest so all might be ready, my thoughts organized, and my life dedicated to serve Thee whatever the cost, through the love of Jesus Christ, my Saviour. Amen.

Prayer in a Time of Anxiety

When I am truly anxious, O God, remind me of my love of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. May I realize that I will not be abandoned, but am accompanied always by Him.

Dispel any sense of self-concern, and remind me that others are feeling the same tensions, which is only natural in times of stress.

Grant me insight, God of Wisdom, to see the things that have been taught, to understand them in the unfolding story of Thy Creation, and our place within it.

May I lay my head down to rest confident that Thou art always with us, through the love and affection of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, my Redeemer and Lord. Amen.

Prayer Before Retiring at Night

God of strength and of comfort, I close the day with thoughts of Thee.

As I turn myself over to the sleep of the present night, grant that Thy benediction may be upon me, and all whom I love. We depend upon Thy care, and pray that we may awake reassured of Thy presence.

No matter how late it might be, nor how early I might have to arise, may this time of sleep help to restore my calmness and perceptiveness, so that when I open my eyes next, I shall be ready to continue my study and service of Thee.

In the last moments of consciousness, I resign my life and purpose to Thee, and to Thy Son, Jesus Christ, in whose Name I pray. Amen.

Prayer When I Awake

May my first thoughts be of Thee, O Light of Life, and may I dedicate all that I do these coming hours to Thy glory.

If my task be to study, may I do it without hesitation. If I face an examination, may I meet it with determination and goodwill.

As I cast off the hour(s) of sleep, and prepare for my responsibilities for the day, may I always remember that Thou art with me in the person of Thy Son, Jesus Christ.

As I awaken, quicken my mind, enlarge my heart, and grant me wisdom to do my best in all I do this day.

May I be a true steward of the time I have this day, and dedicate all that I do to the love and care of my Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.



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May all your prayers be answered.




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