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God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity.
Psalm 68:6

My Heavenly Father!

You know how lonely I am! I come to You as a broken vessel longing for some love, care or attention.

Master! You know what loneliness is, because You were despised and rejected by men when You were in this chaotic world. You were deserted by Your own people who did not even acknowledge You as Lord. O Lord! I come to You in such a state that I have no one to turn to but You! I know that You went through the agonizing path of loneliness so that I need not be lonely. I plead for Your comforting presence to fill this void in me! Stretch out Your loving hands and lift me out of the pit of loneliness.

You have assured that You will neither leave nor forsake me. So I cling to You Lord - let me derive strength, comfort and consolation from Your presence. Grant me Your abundant grace that I may rejoice with joy unspeakable.

I thank You for filling me with Your presence and removing this pain within me. You are always with me and I thank You for that. Continue to uphold me with Your righteous right hand. In Jesus' Name - I Pray.




"Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43: 18-19

Most loving Lord!

You know my broken heart! I am shattered and I just do not know how to come out of this disappointment Tears flow down my cheeks and I sink in my sorrow O Lord!

The scripture says that all things work together only for good. Right now I do not understand Your ways but strengthen me to accept Your will. I turn to You for help for I know without You I can never come out of this depression. Comfort me Lord and sustain me with Your sweet presence. I commit my future in Your hands. Help me forget my past and let me start a new life with You as my guide. Make me glad and grant me a glorious future. Lift me up Lord from this depressed state and wipe away my tears with Your loving hands. I cast all my burdens and disappointments at Your feet Lord! Keep me in perfect peace till I receive the partner of Your choice from Your hands. In Jesus name I pray.



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May all your prayers be answered.





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