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Prayer to St. Jude

St Jude website 2Perpetual Novena to Saint Jude every Monday evening in Laurencetown at 7.30pm

Prayer to St. Jude for Lost Causes

To be said when problems arise or when one seems to be deprived of all visible help, or for cases almost despaired of. 

Most glorious apostle, St. Jude,
faithful servant and friend of Jesus.
The name of the traitor who delivered 
your beloved Master into the hands of his
enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many.
But the Church honours you and invokes you 
universally as the patron Saint
of hopeless cases and things despaired of.
Make use, I implore you, Saint Jude
of that special grace and privilege
accorded you of bringing visible 
and speedy help to where help
is almost despaired of.

Please come to my assistance in all
my needs and grant me the consolations
and graces of heaven in all my 
necessities, tribulations and sufferings,
particulary, (here make your request).
I promise you, Blessed Saint Jude, to be ever and always mindful of these great favours and I will never cease to honour you as my own special powerful patron and try to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you. 





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