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If you have a favourite prayer that you would
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May all your prayers be answered.



For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.
Psalm 86:5

Our Loving Heavenly Father,

I thank You and praise You for the gift of life that You have so graciously given to me. But Father, unwittingly, I have stumbled into diverse fatal bad habits. I am not able to restrain myself. However hard I try, again and again, I get myself entangled in these bad habits.

Lord, I beseech You to forgive and forget with Your whole heart all the sins, which I have committed. I know that You are a merciful Lord and You will do so. The Scripture says that You give power to the faint and to them that have no might You increase strength. According to this promise, gird me with Your strength so that I no more get myself entangled in my old evil habits. Let Your strength be made perfect in my weakness.

Give me the grace to live in You always, never going astray and to lead a holy life. Thank You Lord, for hearing this prayer of mine, a great sinner.





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