You may now access all parish Social Media and the Weekly Bulletin through the webcam (above).
If you wish to have your event recorded, please contact the parish office.
All anniversary Masses must be booked through the parish office.
Phone number 028 406 58913 email:
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Baptisms and Marriages - contact Fr. Des directly Telephone: 028 406 28792 Mobile: 07855 741888
Week beginning 08.03.25
Sat |
Sun |
Fri |
L’town |
6.00pm |
6.00pm Confirmation |
Clare |
Gilford |
11.30am |
10.30am |
Dromore Diocesan Pilgrimage 2025
9th-13th June 2025
Applications for Assisted Pilgrims wishing to travel on the Dromore Lourdes Pilgrimage 2025 are now being considered.
If you would like to be considered, please apply to Fiona Towe, 20 Glassmoss Road, Gilford, BT63 6AH 07761758167
Pilgrims wishing to go on the Pilgrimage - please get in touch for further information.
We need new members for Tullylish Lourdes Committee particularly the Clare and Laurencetown areas. If you would be interested, please contact Fiona on 07761758167 or any committee member.
Any nurses in the parish who would be interested in travelling with the Dromore Diocesan Pilgrimage 9th - 13th June, please contact Fiona Towe 07761758167.

For the occasion of the Jubilee Year of Prayer 2025, the Teach us to Pray handbook has been created to accompany Christian faith communities and parishes on the path of preparation for the Jubilee 2025.
The booklet contains very useful guides and reminders of occasions of prayer, including: prayer in the Parish Community; prayer in the Family; prayer with Young People; prayer in Sanctuaries; and more including catechesis on prayer.
You may download the booklet below

Due to health and safety concerns regarding the stone wall to the side of Laurencetown Cemetery (beside Broad Oaks), this entrance has been closed to all traffic. We apologise for any inconvenience. We are currently looking at all options regarding the repair or replacement of the wall.

Click above for all the latest news
A huge thank you to all who have used the 'DONATE' button on the website. It's a simple way for you to make a contribution to the parish. However, as there is a nominal charge to the parish for each transaction, we would prefer if you did not use this method for your regular weekly/monthly contribution. If you find this method easier than using the 'envelope', why not sign up for a standing order. It saves you searching for the money on a Saturday evening or a Sunday morning and you can amend it at any time. An updated form is available if you click below.


For photos taken by parish, go to main menu at the side.