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Dear Catherine at along last I get a breather to send you some info regarding the money donated to SA during my home leave.  This was a request from a local priest.  He is a close friend of the Holy Cross Sister as he grew up as a child and young boy in our orphanage.  Later in life he joined priesthood.  Since he was a boy of 12 years I have mentored him through his life journey.  Today we remain good friends.  He is living in a very remote area in the North West diocese.  The diocese has been without a bishop for a long time and only last fortnight was a new bishop consecrated for the diocese.  It was a great occasion for us all.  Fr Vusi asked me a long time ago before I went home if I could get him some help to erect a couple of toilets at the church.  I said I would try.  Hence from the money collected he was given R20,000 to build the toilets you see in the photos.  He was delighted with the project.  On completion he sent me the information below.  His joy was short lived when one morning shortly after the completion of the toilets he went out to find someone had stolen all the pipes.  He was furious.  Since then he had to get pad-locks to secure the building.  He remains grateful for all your kindness.  
We are getting great rains this season and the country is looking great.  
Be in touch with love and prayers Bernadette 

Lichtenburg, 2740

19 Janaury 2015

Dear Sr. Bernadette

I thank you on behalf of your home parish, Tullylish, for your kindness in donating the generous amount of R20,000 towards the building of new toilets at our St. Peter’s Catholic Church.  For a long time the existing toilets have been in dire need of repairs.  I have kept the old toilets and have built two new ones for the ladies.  Everybody is happy now.

Yours sincerely

Fr. Vusumuzi


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