Diocese of Dromore
Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
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National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Irish Church
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The Diocese of Dromore values and encourages
the participation of children, young people and vulnerable adults
in all church activities that enhance their
spiritual, physical,emotional and social development.
We recognise and uphold the dignity and rights
of children, young people and vulnerable adults
within our faith community
and we are committed to their protection and support
in a way that promotes their human dignity and integrity
as children of God.
We undertake to do all in our power in the Diocese of Dromore
to create safe environments
for children, young people and vulnerable adults.
We acknowledge that all involved in working with
children, young people and vulnerable adults
have a special duty of care towards them.
We undertake to put in place, implement and sustain
adequate resournces through which this care is put into effect
so that their rights as active participants
in the life of the Church are upheld.
We will review our policy and procedures on an ongoing basis.
May 2008