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Bringing Communion to the Housebound

Bringing Communion to the Housebound
We ask that anyone bringing communion to the housebound to please leave their pyx on the altar before Mass and collect after Mass. 
We now have several new Ministers of the Eucharist and they have asked for this to commence. They will no longer be able to fill the pyx while giving out Communion.
Please write the number of hosts required on a little piece of paper and leave in the pyx. 
Carrying the Blessed Sacrament outside the chuch is a most sacred ministry and respect is of paramount importance. 
Permission to bring the Blessed Sacrament to the housbound must be granted by Canon Powell and all safegaurding measures should be followed.
Thank you to all our new Ministers of the Eucharist.
New rotas for Laurencetown are available in the church porch or you can download from http://tullylish.com/images/stories/PDF/2019/em%20rota%2020192020.pdf

E M Rota

Ministers of the Eucharist



Ministering the Body of Christ to the Body of Christ

Since the Second Vatican Council, lay members of Christ's faithful are encouraged to play a more active part at the Sunday Mass. Part of this is helping in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass, or bringing the Eucharist to the sick at home or hospital and to the housebound. What could be nicer than giving the Bread of Life to our friends.
If you would consider becoming a Minister of the Eucharist, or you would like to nominate someone for this ministry, please contact one of the priests or the parish office.

All ministers serve on a rota basis





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