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Message from the Pastoral Council re numbers in church PDF Print E-mail

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Due to the Pandemic and the current rise in numbers, the TPPC have decided that the first thing they need to do to help ensure the safety of those attending, or wishing to return to Mass, is to have Stewards at each of the weekend Masses. This already happens in Gilford but will be required in Laurencetown and Clare as well. The numbers of people in each Chapel will be limited following risk assessment and the Stewards will ensure that everyone has their hands sanitised entering and leaving the Chapel. The Stewards will direct people to the altar to receive Communion. We know this is different to what has been happening to date in Laurencetown and Clare, but we want to keep everyone safe. The first weekend that this will happen will be Christmas weekend. We ask for your co-operation and patience until we all get used to the new procedures.

If anyone would be willing to volunteer as a Steward in any of the Chapels, we would gratefully welcome your input and add you to a rota system. Names can be left with Christine in the Parish Office or Canon Powell in the Parochial House.

Please remember that numbers will be limited at the Christmas Masses, as well as at normal weekend masses.

We thank you for your assistance in this matter and look forward to seeing you back at Mass.




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