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Synodal Opening Meeting - thank you PDF Print E-mail

Parish Pastoral Council.

Thank you to those parishioners who turned up to the meeting in LLTCA on Tuesday evening.

As we would like everyone to have their say on the workings of the Synod we have composed a questionnaire, copies of which will be available this weekend in the church porches.

We kindly ask that you take one home, fill it in and return to the parish office, via the collection boxes or through Canon’s letterbox on the parochial house door.

The questions are simple and straightforward and we really want to hear your ideas on how you would like to see our diocese move forward.

Please take a few minutes to fill in the questionnaire and return it to us.

If you have any questions or would be interested in taking part in a Zoom meeting, please email the Council chairman, Sean Farrell at: sean.matthew.farrell@gmail .com




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