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To Change is to Grow

To Grow is to Change often……


Education For Life/Youth Alive

P.O. Box 941 PRETORIA 0001

South Africa



“There is a quiet light that shines in every heart.

Though it is always secretly there,

it draws no attention to itself.

It is what illuminates our minds to see beauty,

our desire to seek possibility and our hearts to love life...

This shy inner light is what enables

us to recognise and receive

our every presence here as blessings”.

John O’ Donohue

Dear Fr Powell, Fr McDonagh, Family, Friends & Parishioners

Greetings from South Africa!

It was great to be in touch with you again during my recent home-leave and still there is no place like home! Your friendship and support will always be a revenue of strength and encouragement as I carry out my apostolate among the people of South Africa. From the bottom of my heart I thank each of you for your kindness, prayers and financial assistance.

This week I am with Fr Joe and Emmanuel as we conduct the national EFL leader’s conference, in Durban. Together with the leaders from South African, Botswana and Swaziland we will continue to discern the direction we must take to address a number of life threatening concerns among our pre-teens (10 – 14 year olds). I will rely on your prayers as always.

My warmest and heart-felt congratulations to Fr Stephen Crossan, on his Priestly ordination. This is a major event for the whole parish and dare I say one that happens seldom. Be assured of my prayer, Stephen.

May Christ reign in our hearts.

Sr Bernadette Duffy

Holy Cross Sisters – South Africa





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