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Looking for Michelle Maggee by Martina Greenaway (Nee McCartan) from Co Armagh
25. February 2009
Hi, I went to Lawerncetown Primary in 1973 and on my 1st day met Michelle Magee (Also 5yrs) punched me in the nose and made it bleed firm friends from then. She is probably married now would really like to track her down and get in touch. I would appreciate it if anyone can help. Also went to school with Desmond McEvoy & Paul McKeown if anyone knows i remeber them being at my daddys funeral in Lawerncetown chapel Ie Daddy Dermott MCartan Kernan
Guess who's turned 60? by Patrick Finnegan from Melbourne, Australia
19. February 2009
Hi, G'day all. For those of you who still remember "wee Paddy Finnegan" (see EX-PATS) I celebrated my 60th birthday on Valentine's Day, 14 Feb.and I don't feel a day over 40!!Photos to follow soon. Paddy,Perla & P.J. Finnegan.
Congratulations Paddy - look forward to the photos!
Jubilee concert dvd by Finbar Finnegan from Dundrum
08. February 2009
Hi there Catherine , Many thanks for the DVD of Canon Treanors concert..My wife and my boys watched it here with me and I thought I was going to have to get an ambulance for them all when they dropped to the floor with laughter....It was great craic to see it all again and it was great to see so many familiar faces , some of whom have gone. Many Thanks Finbar
Glad you enjoyed the memories Finbar.
Mr by Fry from Workington Cumbria England
01. February 2009
Hi...Am researching family history of "Fry" and there is reference to a "Samuel Fry" living in "Dronbridge" (but as the record is badly written I suspect this should read "Banbridge") in the 1850-1880 period. One reference points to someone of that name living in High Street Gilford. I am trying to find out if this man is my great grandfather ? If anyone can help with the "Fry" family history in County Down please could you email me to [email protected] Many Thanks Derek Fry
Mrs by Mary E. Ryan from Limerick
30. January 2009
Blast from the past - Was originally Mary Maguire from The Five Lights Hill, Lenaderg Road, Banbridge. Went to school with (from memory) the O'Hagon twins, Brendan McCuskar, Vivienne McCartan etc in Laurencetown school before moving to Limerick To any of that gang - hi and get in touch
Thanks Mary. Good to hear from you again.
The maturing well Organist. by COLUM MCGARRY from Laurencetown
26. January 2009
Catherine, you know, I have just seen that picture of myself at the Concert of Canon Treanor. I am sure you will agree, in fact I know you will, that I have got better looking as the years have went on, and indeed, continue to do so; and thats me being modest. I bet you have cut that picture out and stuck me on your fridge with all the other pic's of me!
Indeed I have, Colum and I have a number beside each picture - the one at the top centre has a 20 beside it with a 5 to the left and a 1 to the right!!! Congrats on your male voice choir - fantastic to listen to them on a Saturday evening in Laurencetown - if you keep practising, you might even make the grade for the Clare!!
jubilee concert 1991 by finbar finnegan from Dundrum
25. January 2009
hi there catherine....for some reason i cannot send message direct to your email it keeps getting returned..Please reply to my email ([email protected]) Many many thanks for honoring my request for the photos of canon trainors jubilee concert. I would love a copy of the DVD. I think my wife and my 3 boys and would love to see me in action in my younger days..( my boys think I am ancient...) Let me know how much it costs and when you can have it for me.Also let me know when is the best time to pick it up.(I will be down your way next sunday for dads anniversary mass in Gilford).. Can I also ask that you remember in your prayers my wifes' father, Hugh Duggan of Newcastle who passed away last Tuesday 20th january. Many thanks Finbar Finnegan
You can collect your copy of the DVD on Sunday at the Den, Finbar. There is no charge. Fr. Des Loughran had the original video converted to DVD and was kind enough to give me a copy. Condolences to your wife on the death of her father - may he rest in peace.
~Happy 2009~ by ~Blanche (Johnston) Gormley~ from ~Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA~
19. January 2009
May you be blessed with warmth in your home, love in your heart, peace in your soul and joy in your life. ~Looking forward to seeing you all in Gilford in a few months time~
Thanks Blanche - maybe we'll meet up this time. [email protected]
T L C by Nan Thomsen from Denmark
16. January 2009
Great work amazing what pair of knitting needles and some wool can help, from the photos all the garments and toys look great.I do something orf the same here in Denmark through Danisk Red Cross,I became leader for it ca 12 years ago and havn´t got tired of it, we send all we knit and sew to Africa and White Russia I don´t know what it is called in English.I love the small teddy bears in fact everything,Would love the patterns if it was possible.Maybe if I can visit in the spring I could meet the ladies.
That would be great - just let us know when you hope to be around and we'll make sure the TLC Group are there. The knitting is great and the craic is even better!! Thanks for sending that lovely message.
Happy New Year by Agnes Thomsen from Denmark
03. January 2009
Happy 2009, Keep up the good work,I drop in on your web site every day,I like to be able to follow what goes on in little Gilford.
Good to hear from you again, Agnes and a very Happy New Year to you too.
John by John Byrne from Australia/Gilford
03. January 2009
Love the website photos did take me down memory lane
Thanks John and a Happy New year
No title...yet. by Denis McCartan from Cockermouth, Cumbria, England.
31. December 2008
What a great website you have created. It's good to be able to keep up to-date with events, and to see photos of family and old friends. Best wishes to all for 2009 especially the Toronto ex-pats.[the kindness and hospitality given to me all those years ago is not forgotten]. Denis McCartan ex Keady Row
Thanks Denis - and a happy new year to you and all you care about. What about a photo or two from yourself?
Mr by Len Rice from Leyland Lancs
30. December 2008
Catherine, I wish you and all the people that supply the info to the website a happy new year. You do put a lot of work in to it, and all us folks across the sea do appreciate it. The photos are great. Down memory lane is wonderful for us people on the bus pass. Once again many thanks,
Thanks Len - and a happy new year to you Len and all the family. I have been away for Christmas so there hasn't been much activity on the website, but I'll make up for it now.
n/a by Ronan and Michelle McCaughley from Gilford
25. December 2008
We would like to thank everyone for their help and support over the last week for helping with organising my father's funeral (Jack McEvoy). Special thanks also to all those who paid their respect. Have a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Michelle, Ronan and Family.
All our thoughts are with you at this time. Jackie was one of life's true gentlemen and will be missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him.
Nice Photos by The McCourt Family from Kernan
23. December 2008
Loved the photographs of St.John's Christmas Service
Thanks Declan and Happy Christmas
Mulholland Family by Patricia Evers (Mulholland) from Dublin
22. December 2008
Am trying to research the Mulholland Family who lived in Corcreany, Tullylish. My father James Mulholland was born there in 1893. I am particularly interested in getting my great grandparents wedding certificate. Their names were John Mulholland and Esther (or Catherine) Wright. I think they would have married around 1835. Any advise would be gratefully received.
It will be after Christmas, Patricia, before I can research this for you. Hopefully, I will come up with something. Happy Christmas from tullylish.com
Canon Treanor's golden jubilee concert by finbar finnegan from Dundrum
08. December 2008
Hi there , I would love you to post some photos of Canon treanor's Golden jubilee concert ( If you have them) it would bring back some great memories and maybe some embarrassment for me and others ha ha ha .. keep up the good work..
I will try Finbar. Keeping watching this space!
The TLC photos by Sinead Magee from Las Vegas, Nevada
01. December 2008
Hi Catherine, the website is looking great. Love the photos of the TLC Group. Great idea by great woman, hope there are lots of people attending group, a good mornings craic no doubt and for a great cause! See you at Christmas, take care, Sinead Magee.
Thanks Sinead.
Temple Street by Noel McEvoy from Glanmire Cork
30. November 2008
Sincere thanks to all who were so kind to sponsor me in the Dublin City Marathon for Temple Street Children's hospital. A great result for a great cause. Noel ,Ann & Jack. Keep up the great work on the web site.
Thanks and well done Noel
Keenan, McCaffrey & Lindsey by Paul Thomas Keenan from Giffnock, East Renfrewshire, Scotland
28. November 2008
Hi everyone a fantastic site, keep up the great work. I know from personal experience how helpful everyone is at 'the Den' where I saw the record of the marriage of my gr gr grandparents Thomas Keenan and Cecilia McCaffrey married at St Johns in 1854 there were other Keenans and Byrne's and McCaffreys in the records however, not sure of any definate connections. Thomas and Cecilia came to Johnstone, Scotland in 1857 and a few others from the parish followed across the Irish sea. I think my Keenans were in Loughans townland but not sure. Thomas had a brother William who married Sarah Thompson in 1850 and a possible brother/cousin who married Catherine Treanor in 1853 (all St John's) Their parents were John Keenan and Anne nee Lindsey/Lindsay both born c 1895 and we think they originated outside the parish or even the county Down. Cecilia's bc 1830 had a sister Margaret 1832 and Elizabeth b 1838 who married a John Keenan (another brother or cousin)?parents were John McCaffrey and Margaret Byrne both c 1800. If anyone can give any info. on where Keenans/Lindsays McCaffreys and Byrnes lived or where they originated I would be very grateful. Even the smallest piece of seemingly useless fragments might be very significant/important. Also, if anyone needs access to Scots data please let me know as the mill factory skills honed in Tullylish in 1830-1860 period were in great demand around West Renfrewshire in the mid 19th century and it seems that many left Tullylish to live in Scotland or to save the fare to the US. if you lost some people they may not all have made it to the US directly and many spent 5/10/15 years before going to US... many stayed on in Scotland. I wish everyone a peaceful and holy Christmas and hope to get over to your lovely town again in 2009 Slan go Foill Paul
Nice to hear from your again Paul and thanks for the compliments. If anyone can give Paul any information, let us know at tullylish.com and we will forward the information.
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