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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year by Mary and Frankie Teggart from Brisbane, Australia
24. December 2010
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all at Tullylish Parish. Well done Catherine for giving us this beautiful website as especially at this time of the year when all relatives are across the miles, we look up the Tullylish Website and feel like we are home. The photos are astounding and love the snow.......if it snowed in Brisbane we would die of shock. God Bless everyone, especially family and friends there in Ireland.
Happy Christmas to you both Frankie and Mary. Beleive me, if you want the snow, you can have it!! Take care Catherine
Snow Pics by Lynn Laverty from Hallsmill
14. December 2010
Hi Catherine, Love the pictures of our two gorgeous Godsons, Tom and Jack playing in the snow in Dublin! Looks like they are having great fun!
Yes Lynn, it was a lovely photo. Oh to be young again - and not on crutches!
lnn by Larry from Clinton, Iowa USA
05. December 2010
Great web site. Does any one know if there were any McClimon in the Parish before or now.
Well done by Fr G Powell from Laurencetown
03. December 2010
Well done Catherine on reaching over 400,000. Heading now for Half a million!
No bother to us at tullylish.com!
Info for Terry Rice by Len Rice from leyland
19. November 2010
Catherine, as the last Rice born in laurencetown I may be able to give that chap Terry Rice some info on his family search, but i need his Email address. Hope you are keeping well on that side of the water Len
Thanks Len. i have sent you his e-mail address
Well done by Nan Thomsen from Denmark
10. November 2010
Congratulations on the great work in the TLC,fantasic sum of money to raise and for a really good cause. You should come over here and learn the danes how to do it.
Thanks Nan - good to hear from you again. When are you visiting us again?
Male Voice Choir by Colum McGarry from Tullylish
23. October 2010
Yes Catherine, I am very proud of the Male Voice Choir, a great bunch of talented men that are full of enthusiasm and the craic is 90 at the rehearsals, but at the same time, the work is done. I must say, I do get some good laughs, but its a pity that there are wonderful male voices in the Parish that would be a welcome addition. People need to have confidence in themselves and their voices to come forward, even for the mixed choir, and I'm sure Mary McCann who is Organist/Choirmistress in Gilford would agree with me there. People sometimes have it, and indeed say to me that they can't sing, but every voice is not the same, but they contribute to a choir family when singing together, it then that their confidence grows and their talent is nurtured. The choir(s) is also a social organisation that should be enjoyable. Now, Catherine, even I could work wonders with you, keep practicing with your special key (God help us) x
Ah Colum, you had my hopes built up and then you had to go and ask God for help! I actually thought you were going to burst into song before that. Still, the Mission might work wonders - for you that is!
Happy Birthday! by Colum McGarry from Tullylish
18. October 2010
Happy belated birthday Catherine, I hope that you enjoyed your weekend away. I was going to buy you a Porsche, but parking it would have been a bugger.
I'm old enough without you making me older Colum! It was a pre-birthday weekend - any excuse! Congratulations on your Male Voice Choir - going from strength to strength and you don't even need my special key to keep youze in tune!
Jessica Rose Cunningham by Dr Peter Cunningham from Newry
10. October 2010
Dear Fr Powell Many thanks for making Jessica's christening such a lovely experience. You made everyone so very welcome. A special word of thanks to the lady who took the pictures - they were lovely. Many thanks Peter & Patricia Cunningham
hello by fergal fegan from melbourne
09. October 2010
great site keep up the good work!!!! good for people oversea's with family and friends in the parish.. slan..
Thanks very much Fergal for taking the time to write in. Hope it doesn't make you too homesick!
Graduation Boys! by Patrick Finnegan from MELBOURNE, Australia
05. October 2010
Congratulations Liam and Colin upon your recent Graduation. Nice to see your picture on the web! Greetings from Oz. Paddy, Perla and P.J.Finnegan, Melbourne, Australia.
Thanks Paddy
God Bless Annie by Frank and Mary Teggart from Brisbane Australia
23. September 2010
May the Lord hold her in his arms and give strength to her loved ones left behind. We have loving memories of Annie which we will hold forever in our hearts. May she rest in peace.
Mr by Len Rice from Leyland
15. September 2010
Nice to here your voice on Radio 4 Catherine a very good program, Hope the Down men can show Cork how to win on Sunday
Thanks Len. I didn't know about the Radio 4 stuff, but we had a great day on Sunday - an honour and privilege to be part of it. Photos of the event will be uploaded when I get the time! Of course Down men will do the deed on Sunday with a Tullylish man in charge!
Mr. by Michael Costigan from Mount Laurel NJ, USA
09. September 2010
my relations- the Coyles' came from Tullylish and emigrated to America in 1863. My family and I are looking to visit in the near future.
graduations by Donna Mc Givern from Gilford
06. September 2010
Congratulations to Liam & Colin Mc Manus on their recent Graduations. Well done ,Good luck for the future . Gabriel & Donna xx ps, theres life in them old Dogs yet !! Ha ha !!
Thanks Gabriel and Donna
Shona-Jean Moore by Graham Lyons from Edinburgh
04. September 2010
Both myself, Graham Lyons (aka the Godfather) and my partner Lisa Ritchie would like to thank the Parish and the Father for a lovely Christening for Tina and Gary Moore's first born Shona-Jean whom we all adore. Also the Godmother Gina was looking lovely as always :P
Thanks Graham
photo of Gilford school by patricia evers from dublin
15. August 2010
Hi, Catherine. I was looking through the website and came across a photo of Gilford schoolgirls taken in 1922. There were 3 Mulholland girls in the photos who are very likely my father's second cousins. Thanks for that, I was delighted to come across it.
Good to hear from you Patricia. They most likely are your relations in the photo. I don't think any of those in the photo are still with us but I'll check it out. Take care catherine
Mark 18 by Fr Gerry Powell from Laurencetown
04. August 2010
Have a great year Mark. You can now vote!!
Mark's 18th by Lynn Laverty from Hallsmill
03. August 2010
Happy Birthday Mark, hope you had a great day and enjoy being 18!!
Birthday wishes by Paula Jordan from Laurencetown
03. August 2010
Hi Mark. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a fabulous year. You deserve it.
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