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Name of Dog by Niamh Treanor from Laurencetown
03. July 2010
I think you should be called Twinkle.
That's a lovely name, Niamh. and you have a twinkle in your eye too!
Name for Dog by Devyn Savage from Tullylish
03. July 2010
I like the name Angel from Devyn Savage aged 4
Thanks Devyn and I'm sure you are an angel too!
Name of Dogf by Meg and Mary from England
03. July 2010
What a lovely little dog, Mary and I think it should be Maisie..as you can see as I'm recuperating we are taking things VERY easy. Meg
Thanks to you both. Gald to see Mary is working hard!
Name of dog by Joan from Lurgan
03. July 2010
Hi Catherine, the name for the dog could be 'Lucky'
Thanks Joan. the name is in the hat!
Well done by Fr. Gerry Powell from Laurencetown
30. June 2010
Congrats Catherine on reaching 300,000 hits on our website. Thank you for all your hard work.
Thanks Fr. Powell
Geraldine's Party by Maggi & Eric from England
29. June 2010
Hi Catherine I have just been looking at Geraldine's surprise party pics with Mary, they are fab!!! It so lovely to see people who have grown up together still in the same community, something to treasure I can tell you. This is a great website and I do look at it frequently..but somehow I get lost in time and wonder where the day went. Its so good to see a little bit of home and the people we know, thanks for doing this as it means a lot to us 'over the water'. I'm trying to work our wee Mary but shes not budging!!! but so glad to have her here with me...as you can imagine we have so many laughs!! best regards Meg Corby (Margaret Byrne)
60th by Nora Jordan from Laurencetown
26. June 2010
Loved the photos of Geraldine's birthday Catherine. Well done.
Thanks Nora
Geraldine's Birthday by Paula Burke from Perth, Western Australia
24. June 2010
I just loved the photo's of Geraldine's birthday, looked like a great night. Well done everyone for keeping the secret, hard to believe she never found out... Also Catherine I loved the very last photo of my dad, is there any chance you could email me a copy of it please?? Paula
Good to hear from you Paula. It was almost as big a miracle to get Eamon Campbell in a photo as it was keeping the secret from Geraldine! I'll send the photo on now. Take care Catherine
Birthday Gal ! by Anne Campbell White from Lurgan
23. June 2010
Happy 60th Geraldine McCusker.you don't look a day over ........59! great pics and great surprise you deserve it .See ya at the Point ! Love ,n luck from Anne James, Sean,and Muriel xxx
Thanks for sending on the greeting Anne.
foxes caption by gerry o dowd from aghagallon
23. June 2010
Maynard I don't want to seem ungrateful but when you said you were taking me down to Clare for the weekend I thought........
Very good Gerry!
Geraldine's birthday by liz hingley from stourbridge, west mid.
21. June 2010
I've just been enjoying the photos of cousin Geraldine's b'day bash. What a wonderful surprise and as you say surprising Geraldine is not easy! I loved the poem - it is so true. She is the 'mayoress' of Laurencetown and absolutely everyone knows and loves her. Sorry I couldn't be there but sister Mary did a fantastic job. Love Liz
Thanks for that Liz. Geraldine's feet still haven't reached the ground!
Captions by Anne(Campbell ) white from Lurgan
19. June 2010
Tuca (n) in after a night on the Tiles ! get it Tuca tiles ? and Fruity little number this isnt it Foxy lady ?
Very Clever Anne! Thanks for that.
congratulations by Donna Mc Givern from Gilford
14. June 2010
Congratulations to ,Mark, Gerry ,Alex,Erril on winning Gold in Limerick ,, WELL DONE !!
Happy Birthday Patsy by White from
13. June 2010
A Very Happy Umpteenth Birthday on June 9th to Patsy McAleavey from family and friends !
would like to say hello to my family down under by kelly teggart from lenaderg banbridge
28. May 2010
hi auntie mary and uncle fankie hope ur all keepin well i no ur on this site alot so when jonathan gets married 3weeks from today ill get them to upload some photos for u so u can c how lovely everyone will look its great that we have this wedsite so u can c all thats goin on back home hope to here from u soon lots of love kelly xxxx
looking for family by kathy mccartan from alabama
13. May 2010
to martina mccartan hey iam kathy mccartan iam looking for family members to
Ulster Society of Church Organists & Choirmasters. by Colum McGarry from Laurencetown Church Organ
11. May 2010
On Saturday 17th April 2010, the Ulster Society of Church Organists and Choirmasters came to visit the organ in Laurencetown Church at 3pm. I played a short recital to demonstrate the instruments flexability, I then proceeded to explain the history of the organ, soon after, Fr. Powell arrived to welcome them all to the Church, I also invited those present to play the organ for themselves. They were amazed at the organs sound and the acoustic of the Church which has been improved by the new ceiling, they were also highly impressed by the beauty of the Church and the grandeur of the new ceiling. The Organ was built by Evans & Barr in 1943 and was installed in Great Victoria St Presbyterian Church, Belfast until the Churches Closure in 1965. Fr. Seamus Moore heard about the organ that needed a new home, so under his direction, it was installed in Laurencetown and was first played on Holy Thursday in 1966. In 1999-2000, the organ was overhauled and the stoplist extended and in 2008, Organ builder, Mr. Alistair McCartney carried out further improvements by re-voicing various stops to suit the building, also correcting various faults that needed remedied in order for this instrument to sound to its full capacity, in total, the organ has 811 pipes. Unfortunately in this day and age, many young people don't seem to be interested in learning to play the organ, or the piano for that matter, Church musicians are dwindling out throughout the country. I myself, believe in encouraging young people to learn and play, but unfortunatley, I don't know anyone who I could encourage to someday 'Share the reins'. If there is anyone out there who are taking piano lessons with knowledge of music reading skills, I would like to hear from them.
Congratulations! by Madeleine Quinn from Madrid, Spain
04. May 2010
I'd like to congratulate the parish of Tullylish on a great website. I have just seen photos of my lovely new niece, Aoibhín Mc Kiverigan, on her christening day. Thank you so much! M Quinn
It's a pleasure Madeline. That's what we are here for - to connect with the world!
Mr by David Murphy from Lurgan
27. April 2010
Great Photos!
Thanks David
stageaid by ann oneill from lurgan
27. April 2010
hi Catherine photos of tommy's wake are excellent think you should take up photography full time
Thanks Ann. What a show - congratulations to all concerned. There is definitely truth in the saying that 'laughter is the best medicine' and there was bucket loads of it in Gilford on Friday and Sunday Night! Well done!
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